Day 19 Bergen to Sogndal

We schlepped our stuff to the car and left Bergen around 8-8.30 after another good breakfast included with the hotel.  It was much easier getting out of the city than getting in, and we were on our way with no missed directions or hold ups.  

Our route takes us north and east today, across a couple of bridges, one car ferry, through countless tunnels, alongside lakes and fjords, past gorgeous glaciers and under mountains.  

We arrived at Vesterland Feriepark at about 1.30pm where we have booked a cabin.  It’s a wooden hut set amongst trees along with a bunch of other wooden huts, but it really is very quaint and after the colourful modern shoe box in Bergen, we have space to live.  A couch to sit on, a table and chairs to sit at, a kitchen sink, stove and fridge, even a wood fire if we felt chilled.  Which we don’t, it has been very hot today, 27 degrees !!

our cabin is on this end

dining table and chairs

a couch to sit on !
I love these rooves with the grass and trees growing on them

We dumped one of our bags and the cleaner came rushing over to say the room wasn’t ready yet, and they needed to clean first.  We had planned to go back to Sogndal anyway to get some lunch and supplies for breakfast tomorrow morning, so off we went and let them finish cleaning the place, though it already looked fine to us.

We headed back down the Sognefjord to Sogndal and had a bite of lunch and coffee and a local café and mooched quickly through the shopping mall, bought some muesli and milk for breakfast tomorrow and then went down to the waters edge for a wander.  It was very hot, and very quiet and peaceful after the hordes in Bergen.  Too hot to linger though so we walked back to the car and headed back to the cabin.  


Then we had a lazy time reading books and just chilling out, enjoying having chairs to sit on and not having to shuffle past each other to move about the room. 

There is a laundry here you can use, but you have to buy a prepaid card which costs about $35 bucks.  What a rip-off.  Fine if you are a family here for a week, but just not worth it for one load when you are only staying overnight.  So I was cheap and hand washed a couple of tops and they dried within a few hours hung on the chairs outside our cabin.  

We sat outside for a while after the sun went behind the trees and it was cooler, and scoffed chippies and chocolate bars left over from our walks.  Dinner of champions !


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