Day 23 Oslo to Bodo to Svolvaer to A

Today we are flying to Svolvaer which is in the Lofoten Islands to the north of Norway.  It’s about a one and a half hour flight to Bodo (pronounced Booda) and then we hop in a puddle jumper for the next leg to Svolvaer.  
The only thing that rates a mention about the flight from Oslo to Bodo was the cacophony of babies crying as we landed in Bodo, there must have been about 12 of them, all howling at once.  At least, that's what it sounded like.
As the boarding call was announced in Bodo, they guy said “we’ll get you to wait on the tarmac until everyone is ready to board, otherwise it will get too hot”.   What the heck I thought, it is hot enough on the tarmac, being 27 degrees outside.  So we waited in the sun, and cooked slowly, then we boarded the plane and the heat was indeed turned up to boil.  It was stinking, and there was no air.  Everyone was sweating buckets, including the hostess, and fanning themselves with the emergency card.  There was a Police dog and handler on the flight, and I ended up in the 2nd last row with the dog in the aisle next to me.  Poor thing was panting like mad, but was a good sport and allowed me a pat and a rub of his ears.  
Seats are not allocated on this flight, so J was in the aisle a row in front and across from me.  The flight was pretty short thankfully, and was very much a steep descent and hasty landing, similar to Wellington in a stiff northerly.

We waited until the baggage trolley arrived and all picked up our bags off the trolley.  Gotta love small airports, none of this waiting half an hour at Auckland airport for bags to turn up.  The rental car place was in a portacabin across the parking lot from the terminal building, and we picked up our car with no hassle.  This time it’s a Peugeot 208, automatic.  I foresee a few neck adjustments along the way as we slam our foot on the brake to change gear.  

Off we set for the furthermost end of the Island, a place called Å (pronounced Aww).  Yep, I chose to stay here for the sheer novelty of having stayed in a place with only one letter.  I am that sad.  

We are staying at the Brygga restaurant and hotel, it is a former boat house built on stilts over the ocean.  We have a quaint little room overlooking the outside tables from the restaurant, and a shared bathroom.
literally the view from our room

There are tea and  coffee making facilities in the hallway.

We went for a walk around the immediate area to have a selfie by the road sign

and snap some pictures of this adorable little fishing village...….

The big place on stilts is the Brygga restaurant and hotel where we are staying

  …. and taking in some of the sights ......

The have smoked whale meat on the menu, but I can't bring myself to try it.

After our sauna plane trip, it's pleasantly warm here,  22 degrees and being right on the ocean there is a nice breeze.  Apparently we have missed the "midnight sun" here but we will have 24 hours of daylight.  It really does mess with the body clock, we are constantly surprised at the time.


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