Day 25 Stamsund to Gimsoy

We had breakfast (included with the room) and went on our way.  

We are on a bit of a wind down now, and have time to take our foot off the gas with nothing much planned for the next couple of days.  So today we cruised a little, stopping in Henningsvaer, which is a very picturesque town down on the southern tip of one of the islands of Lofoten.  

There were a number of artists shops, including a glass blowing studio that had some lovely original vases and glasses (amongst other things) for sale, although we weren't tempted to buy anything.

The town was overflowing with young people and there seemed to be some kind of music festival in progress.  There were lots of tents perched along the bottom of the hills coming into the town, if there was a spot flat enough to lie down on, there was a tent pitched.  

We had lunch and a coffee, and then headed to our next lodging, the Lofoten Links lodges, which is out on the northern coast of Gimsoy island near a golf course, and also run by the golf course.  The lodge are basically a house, with shared kitchen dining and lounge, with three separate bedrooms, each with their own bathroom.  We initially had the place to ourselves, and made use of the washing machine to catch up on some laundry.  
our lodge

walking along the road to the beach and camp ground

It was still very warm, early 20’s but it felt warmer, but there was a stiff breeze coming off the sea, which cooled things down outside and also dried our clothes pretty quickly.  The beach was lovely white sand, but we weren't tempted to take a dip.
We went and had dinner at the local restaurant, it is in a converted barn, and caters to the likes of us in the lodges, plus there is a large camping area right on the beach.  The meal was very nice, the chefs must have read my earlier criticism and taken heed.  

About half an hour after we got back from dinner, a group of three turned up, obviously Mum and two daughters, and then later another couple.  So our style was cramped, but it was nice while it lasted.  We left them to stink up the kitchen and retired to our room to watch bad Norwegian television and read our books.


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