Polar Expedition Day 10

I woke having had very little sleep, finished my packing and heaved my bags out the door.  We had a quick breakfast, and sent Kellie up to ask the captain if we could leave our bags on the ship, rather than schlepp them around town until we have to check-in.  Kellie has been visiting the bridge every day to talk to the captain about where we are and what the sailing plan is for the day, so we figured she had bonded with the guy and had the best chance of getting his agreement re the luggage.  The plan worked, and we can leave our bags on the back deck.  I said bye to a few people I thought I probably wouldn’t get the chance to see again, and hot-footed it into the town of Longyearbyen.  I had spotted a couple of things I wanted to get, and my roomie Belinda had decided she wanted a thermos mug, etched with a map of Svalbard (it is very cool).  The shops didn’t open til 10am, and it was only about a 20 minute walk from the ship to town, so I spent some time sitting in the sun catching up on emails etc.

Purchases made, I headed back to the ship and found Reed, Danette Natalie and Jamie all waiting in the lounge.  Their flight is a couple of hours after mine, but we decided to all get a taxi together to the airport, so I rang the number provided by the captain, and after a bizarre conversation with the guy who answered, who also happened to be actually driving the taxi at the time, and initially telling me he couldn't pick us up, he appeared out in front of the ship while I was still on the phone to him !  Just as well he had a big van, because the 5 of us have a crapload of luggage between us all.

We had a bit of a crazy drive to the airport, with the driver taking calls and checking clipboards while driving.  Just as well it’s a short drive and there is not much traffic.

I checked in and got whacked for my checked in luggage being overweight (Norwegian Air’s limit is 20kg, who knew ??)  They are a budget airline, enough said.  I said another good bye to the gang, and Reed has put the idea in my head for another trip to the USA at some point in the future, they live in Rigby Idaho which is very close to Yellowstone Park.  Very tempting I have to say, we’ve not been there before.

I went through security and this time I had to put my camera gear through separately, again, what a faff.  I just don’t understand why these rules aren’t consistent, it drives me bananas.
There were some great views leaving Longyearbyen.

My flight left early and I arrived in Oslo, cleared immigration, collected my bag and headed to the luggage storage area to stow my bag.  I have a tonne of clothes for cold weather that I won’t need for my two days in Oslo, so there is no point breaking my back lugging it around.

I caught the train into town, after about 10 minutes trying to figure out which train to catch from which platform (I was too mean to pay the 196 kroner $34 one way ticket for the fast train that was advertised and emblazoned everywhere) and spent half that much for something that will get me there slightly slower. 

For one my sense of direction didn’t let me down an I managed to exit the station and head in the right direction, and it was only a few minutes walk to my hotel.  It’s called Citybox Oslo, because it is literally a box.  But it’s functional clean and smack in the centre of Oslo, so that works for me.  And even though it’s a shoebox, it’s still costing close to $200 a night. 

I had a Big Mac and Fries for dinner.  I know, shameful, but after all the lovely fine dining I just fancied a burger and fries.  And for reference, that cost $16 bucks.


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